
Englische Zeitungsartikel der Klasse HR7a


Der Erweiterungskurs der Klasse HR7a hatte im Fach Englisch die Lektüre “The Smugglers’ Caves” gelesen. Im Unterricht verfassten die Schülerinnen und Schüler Zeitungsberichte über den Inhalt der Lektüre. An dieser Stelle gibt es eine kleine Leseprobe:


Tonight’s top news


Heroin bags in dog’s stomach

Yesterday, brave kids (Dave, Steve, Jack and Madeleine) found a dog which had heroin bags in his stomach. But that’s not all: the kids found mysterious caves and scary waxworks at the Smugglers’ Adventure in Hastings. The smugglers used the caves for their activities. The kids found out that smugglers smuggled heroin in dogs’ stomachs. The smugglers were arrested but one person is still free. Her name is Beth. Please help us find her. She has brown hair and small lips. She has a blue cat sticker on her bag and she wears a black dress and earrings.

(by Xenia and Victoria Schwandt)


Heroin smugglers arrested

Yesterday some heroin smugglers were arrested. Four kids caught them. The smugglers used the Smugglers’ Adventure in Hastings to smuggle the drugs. The kids found two dogs near the caves and brought them to a vet. The vet operated one of the dogs and found little heroin bags in it. The smugglers used the dogs to smuggle the heroin. One of the smugglers wasn’t caught but the police know that the smuggler is a woman who is big and has dark hair. If you know this person please contact the police.

(by Paul Vernaleken)


Kids found smugglers’ caves

A few days ago, four brave kids found a mysterious cave near the West Hill in Hastings. The kids made an unbelievable discovery in the cave. They saw many plastic sacks with heroin. Before the kids found the cave they caught a very scruffy dog at the beach. The dog was from the smugglers. They used him to hide the heroin bags in the dog’s stomach. A woman noticed that the stitches were too high up for a Caesarean and took the dog to a vet. The vet made an operation on the dog and found the plastic bag with the heroin. After that they called the police.

(by Juliana Buse)




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